Step 1: Are you eligible?
If you have a cultivated idea for a new project or would like to develop the scope of an existing one
If you are a dedicated Catholic (or working to be one), faithful to the Magisterium
If you are willing to commit to a 14-session Catholic Social Teaching course, which includes prerecorded and live sessions, then keep reading!​
This is a four-phase process where applications and ideas are assessed at each level by business experts. We accept rolling applications.
The application below will enter you into the first phase. Within one month, you will be informed as to whether or not your project has been selected to move to the next phase, which requires a detailed business plan.
Round 1
1. Read the requirements for each round carefully before applying
2. Apply below
3. If not selected to continue to the next level, we will supply you with free on-line resources to help you in your journey
Round 2
If your project is selected to go to Round 2, you will be asked to submit, among other things: ​
Your personal statement of faith
A Business Model Canvas
Answers to various questions including:
How is this project similar to other existing projects?
How is this project unique?
How does this project build the human person?
How will you incorporate Catholic Social Teaching in your business?
Round 3
If selected for round three, you will have access to our Business Network of professionals to mentor you in your journey. You will participate in the 14-session Catholic Social Teaching curriculum (recorded sessions can be done at your own pace + some live sessions).
Round 4
If selected for the fourth phase, you will have the opportunity to request funding.
To find out when our next Innovators' application process opens, to volunteer to become part of Exulto's Business Network, or to inquire about becoming a member of Exulto's Catholic Social Impact Investing Guild, simply get in touch below.